Outdoor Mixed-use Commercial Lighting

Oct 12, 2023

A “Best Practice” Approach

Planning for outdoor mixed-use commercial lighting involves considering aesthetics, safety, energy efficiency, and the environmental impact. Whether a new project or updating an existing property, the ultimate goal is to create a safe, inviting, and visually appealing environment for customers, tenants, and visitors.

In the following we’ve outlined some best practices to help ensure a functional and successful lighting plan for mixed-use facilities.

Local Regulations

Before planning any outdoor lighting project, check with local lighting ordinances, codes, & regulations. Compliance is essential to avoid legal issues and will ensure your design will meet community standards.

Dark Sky Principles

Implement dark sky-friendly lighting to minimize light pollution and preserve the natural night sky. Use fixtures with shielding to direct light downward and choose fixtures with the appropriate brightness for the task.

Plan Lighting Zones

Divide your outdoor space into zones based on function and desired lighting levels. Different areas may require different lighting solutions (e.g., pathways, seating areas, signage, accent, parking lots).

Select Fixtures

Carefully Choose fixtures that match the architectural style of your development while providing the desired illumination. The aesthetics are important, so choose well-designed fixtures that can enhance the look of the space.

Use LED Lighting

LED (Light Emitting Diode) technology is energy-efficient, has a long lifespan, and offers varied color temperatures. Opt for LED fixtures when appropriate to reduce energy consumption and maintenance costs.

Balance Light Levels

 Aim for a balance between safety and ambiance. Ensure that walkways, entrances, and parking areas are well-lit for safety while using softer, lower-intensity lighting in seating and gathering areas to create a pleasant atmosphere.

Utilize Controls


Implement lighting controls such as motion sensors, timers, and dimmers to adjust lighting levels based on activity and time of day. This helps save energy and enhances security.

Incorporate Sustainable Design


Whenever possible, integrate solar-powered lighting, energy-efficient fixtures, and renewable materials into your design to reduce the environmental impact.


Consider Installation & Maintenance


Choose fixtures that are easy to maintain, as outdoor fixtures are exposed to harsh weather conditions. Regular maintenance ensures the lighting system remains efficient and safe.

Professional lighting installers and maintenance teams such as Nevada Illumination have extensive knowledge and experience in lighting systems. They understand the technical aspects of various lighting technologies, design principles, and local regulations. Additionally, choose those professionals who maintain relationships with industry leading manufacturers and distributors to obtain the proper commercial lighting equipment with the proper warranties and at the best value. This expertise ensures that your lighting system is installed correctly and functions optimally.


Test and Adjust


 After installation, test the lighting system to ensure it meets your design goals. Make any necessary adjustments to optimize performance and eliminate glare or dark spots.



Ensure Accessibility


Ensure that your lighting design accommodates people with disabilities. Illuminate pathways, ramps, and crosswalks adequately, and use fixtures with appropriate color temperatures for visibility.


Security Lighting


 Use security lighting strategically, focusing on entrances, parking areas, and other vulnerable spots. Motion-activated lights can deter trespassers while saving energy when not needed.


Landscape Integration


Incorporate landscaping into your lighting design, such as using bollard lights to illuminate walkways through gardens or highlighting trees and shrubs with accent lighting.


Public Input


 If the project impacts the community, consider soliciting public input to address concerns and gather ideas for improving the lighting design.


Periodic Evaluation


Continuously monitor and evaluate the lighting system’s performance and energy usage, and user satisfaction. Adjust as needed to maintain efficiency and functionality. One of the best methods of evaluating and ensuring consistent operation of all your property lighting is through Night Inspections Services offered by your lighting maintenance and service provider like Nevada Illumination. Periodically they will have inspectors patrol your property to determine what may need attention (e.g., non-working or damaged fixtures, pole light operation, areas in need of proper illumination).

A Final Word

A well-designed outdoor lighting system not only enhances safety but also contributes to the overall atmosphere and aesthetics of your mixed-use commercial space while minimizing its environmental impact. Consulting with lighting professionals can also help you create an effective and visually appealing lighting plan – along with the right program to maintain it.

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