Luminosity Equivalents

Luminosity Equivalents

About Lighting Equivalencies   Luminosity equivalents refer to a way of comparing the brightness or luminosity of one light source to another. It helps people understand how much light a particular source emits compared to a standard or reference light source....
Staying Safe on July 4 Holiday

Staying Safe on July 4 Holiday

Independence Day is Right Around the Corner   Staying safe on July 4th involves a variety of considerations, from fireworks safety to grilling and outdoor activities. The following covers some key tips we’d like to share on how to ensure a safe and...
Commercial Lighting Maintenance Contracts

Commercial Lighting Maintenance Contracts

Contractual Maintenance Using contracted maintenance services to support commercial lighting properties offers outstanding benefits for homeowner communities, businesses, government, malls, recreational facilities and most any building owner. The following are reasons...
Facilities Lighting Maintenance

Facilities Lighting Maintenance

Maintaining Lighting in Building Facilities   Lighting maintenance is a critical aspect of facilities management that often goes unnoticed until something goes wrong. The importance of effective lighting maintenance cannot be overstated, as it directly impacts...
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